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Tahun 2033 adalah:[1][2]

  • Peringatan 2000 tahun penginjilan
  • Peringatan 2000 tahun kematian, kebangkitan, dan kenaikan Tuhan Yesus ke Surga
  • Peringatan 2000 tahun pencurahan Roh Kudus sekaligus peringatan hari ulang tahun Gereja yang ke-2000

Visi menuju 2033 lintas denominasi

Banyak Hamba Tuhan, denominasi, organisasi Kekristenan yang memiliki visi menuju tahun 2033, di antaranya:[3]

Organisasi Stream Visi 2023
Empowered21 Pentecostal/Charismatic That every person on Earth would have an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, by Pentecost 2033.[4]
World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Evangelical 2033 - A Call to the Global Church of a Decade of Great Commission Effort.[5]
Global 2033 Catholic A Consortium of Leaders and Influencers catalyzing a global project of Missionary Disciples bringing the Gospel to Everyone.[6]
Rick Warren - Finishing The Task Baptist We will work together to see four “B” goals accomplished by 2033: Bibles, Believers, Body of Christ, Breakthrough Prayer.[7]
Biblica Bible translator To Make the Scripture available in every language by 2033.[8]
Anglican Communion Anglican 1 Million Church Plants by 2033.[9]
JC2033 & World Council of Churches (WCC) Protestant The World will know that Christ is Risen by 2033.[10]
Nicky Gumbel & Pope Francis Anglican & Catholic Aim for 2033.[11]
Assemblies of God (AOG)/GSJA - MM33 Pentecostal MM33 - His Mandate. Our Mission. One Million Churches by 2033.[12]
Gereja Bethel Indonesia (GBI) Pentecostal Pada tahun 2033 … 10.000 GBI bisa didirikan di Indonesia dan diseluruh dunia.[13]

Lihat pula

  • Penjelasan perihal visi 2033 (04 November 2024)Kaitannya dengan penyelesaian Amanat Agung serta kedatangan Tuhan Yesus yang kedua kali sebagaimana disampaikan oleh Gembala Jemaat Induk GBI Jalan Jendral Gatot Subroto, Jakarta
    (Tim Teologi GBI GatSu, 04 November 2024)
