Event: 20201117 19.00-20.00 (R7) Worship in Faith and Hope: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(2 revisi perantara oleh pengguna yang sama tidak ditampilkan)
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{{infobox LiveStreaming
{{ unified info | templateversion=20210725-2205
| PageTitle = LiveStreaming:20201117-1900/Menara Doa
| templatetype=   event
| StreamingDate = 2020-11-17
| namespace=      Event
| StreamingTimeFrom = 19.00
| pagename=      20201117 19.00-20.00 (R7) Worship in Faith and Hope
| StreamingTimeUpTo = 20.00
| date=           2020-11-17
| ServiceGroup = Menara Doa
| timefrom=       19:00
| ServiceGroup2 =  
| dateupto=       2020-11-17
| ServiceName = WFH 19
| timeupto=      20:00
| ServiceTheme = Worship in Faith and Hope
| servicegroup=  Worship in Faith and Hope
| ArticlePage =
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| HolyCommunion = no
| servicegroup3=
| Anointing = no
| servicename=   Worship in Faith and Hope
| Speaker1Name =  
| name=         
| Speaker1DisplayName =  
| completename= 
| Speaker2Name =  
| name2=         
| Speaker2DisplayName =  
| completename2= 
| StreamingService = YouTube
| title=         Worship in Faith and Hope 19
| StreamingServiceID = 1uVr4FmOYTQ
| department=    GBI Rayon 7
| StreamingLink = https://youtu.be/1uVr4FmOYTQ
| articlepage=  
| holycommunion= no
| anointing=     no
| link=           https://youtu.be/1uVr4FmOYTQ
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| notes=        
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| video1service=  YouTube
| video1link=     https://youtu.be/1uVr4FmOYTQ
| video1caption=  YouTube

Revisi terkini sejak 29 Juli 2021 21.24

Worship in Faith and Hope 19 diadakan pada hari Rabu, 03 Juli 2024 pukul 19:00-20:00 via YouTube.


  • Tanggal: Selasa, 17 November 2020
  • Pukul: 19:00-20:00
  • Bersama:

(Departemen/Bidang: GBI Rayon 7)

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